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the home of whimsical atiny

Bible Study: Fever Pt.2, Seong Hwa (Part 2)

Writer's picture: BobbyBobby

Updated: Aug 2, 2023

[Note: This series originally started as a project on Reddit, and we are archiving the posts here on our site. You can find the original Bible Study posts here.]

Welcome to part 2 of our discussion of Seonghwa's Diary page in Fever Part 2! You can review our conversation of what takes place on the page here in Part 1.

Today we're doing a sacred writing practice as part of our study, which involves spending 10 minutes free-writing about a chosen sentence on the page. Our own writings will be included, but feel free to share your writing in the comments below or any other thoughts you may have had.

And here we go!

03: sacred practice

GD: Any thoughts before we jump write in?

BobbyJ: Yes? But not any I have words for. A sad state

GD: Please pretend write was an intentional pun about the writing practice instead of just me being too tired to spell right correctly.

BobbyJ: Sounds like we'll be either seeing beyond the veil or seeing nothing at all today

GD: I have a quick thought that's not very important. But the "they sung and performed here and there and that was said to have the power to attract people" very specifically reminds me of busking on the han river

BobbyJ: I just had that same thought, except it reminded me of actual Ateez's early street performances

GD: It makes me think of it slightly differently? In Guerilla we see Ateez use street performance as a specific attack, but at least in the beginning, halateez may have just... needed to perform because they're artists. A little Katniss in Hunger Games, type scenario? Though not exactly. But the symbol attached to their performances wasn't the goal, even if the outcome. The goal could've just been performance because they felt they had to for themselves.

BobbyJ: I wonder how they escaped the mind control. Were they already together? Did they have a similar gradual gathering like Ateez did?

I think it makes sense that they were just performing to perform. There was no way for them to know that it would release people. Unless they themselves had been released by accidental music

GD: Well I've had a Riverdale-esque thought that's bonkers. What if Be Free girl is actually some sort of benevolent overlord who is the one who woke up halateez too with her music and dancing. The Be Free bracelet does exist in Strictland. And that would be bananas

BobbyJ: I have no idea how that relates to Riverdale bc I watched maybe three episodes before I decided it was too much for me

GD: Riverdale is bananas, and that's the only relationship

BobbyJ: But like Sungjae in Goblin?

GD: Did you read or watch Marvel at all?

BobbyJ: Probably not enough to know whatever reference you're going to give me

GD: Watchers were supposed to "watch" everything and know everything. But at some point, something is going to happen, and they intervene to save the world

I'm not super up on my Watchers knowledge, but writing about comic books for a bit did give me some working knowledge

So you and I have sort of talked about a third Ateez existing and bringing the other two Ateezes together (though I don't think either of us really buys the theory), but my new Be Free Theory™ would be the same basic theory except that Be Free girl is the one who brings the two Ateezes together

BobbyJ: But BFG only appears to Seonghwa. Unless BFG also takes on various forms. Which you may have mentioned

GD: I guess we don't know enough about Halateez getting together either? Because she could have appeared to Hala-Seonghwa and woke him up, then he danced and got the others

And then she appeared to our Seonghwa because he was the one who needed her?

This is a wild theory. I'm not committed to it. Just placing it on the table

BobbyJ: Indeed. Entirely based on the appearance of the same bracelet in two dimensions

But theories have been built on less

GD: I've personally built many theories on way less. This is actually one of my more sound ones, probably

Anyways! Let me get us a page number lol

BobbyJ: Well, I am unconvinced. But I am also contrary and stubborn, so no one is surprised

GD: (I too am unconvinced)

Well. . . our number is 3 :/

"According to the Grimes siblings, the central government here established a stable future policy for the entire human race by running AI simulations'

BobbyJ: Okay then

GD: Be back in ten

[Ten minutes later. . . ]

GD: Okay I've finished

BobbyJ: I discovered nothing and got nowhere

GD: I discovered nothing. But I wrote down thoughts that I've had before, so I have that

BobbyJ: Same

GD: I don't remember whose turn it is to go first, but here is mine anyways


GD's Sacred Writing:

Well. There is a lot to unpack in this sentence even if it is pretty straightforward–the problem is I don’t necessarily feel as if I know where to begin with it? Perhaps just… a little as it comes. The Grimes siblings are setting up a very critical story function here which is giving us our exposition and backstory. For us, the reader, to understand the stakes, we do need to know what’s going on in the world of Strictland. We know from San that they’ve traveled somewhere new, and we know from Wooyoung that the android guardians will continue to chase them, and now we have a pause where we get to understand who the android guardians are and why they are chasing them. They also give us the key to going home (the cromer). In some ways, even though they’re young, they’re sort of mentor character here? Which is an interesting thought even if not exactly right. But it does sort of underlie a theme in ateez’s work: age is not important. The central government gives rise to tons of questions about what form the central government was in when they ran these simulations. Was it Z’s government? Was this pre-Z and this is how Z came to power? They say for the entire human race, but is that just… a statement? Do they have the ability to control the entire human race? Is it a goal? A plan? Or just… basic research? And then the AI simulations implies this is a world with a lot of technological advances. I’m reminded of Minority Report? Isn’t that how they predict crime? By AI simulations? It’s been a hot minute since I watched that movie, so I’m not sure. But I guess the thing about Minority Report, and AI simulations in general, is they can be wrong. Maybe they’re right most of the time, but what about the times when they aren’t? I do think emotions can lead to crimes and terrorism, but it’s not the only cause. So what about all the times the emotions lead to good and fulfillment? Like say that it’s 100% correct–if you get rid of emotions, there will be no more crime or terrorism. Is it an acceptable price to pay because there has to be just as many, if not more, times when emotions don’t lead to those things at all? Emotion also leads to beauty, and love, and happiness, and most of the things that make a life worth living.


BobbyJ: I'm thinking about how the second diary feels like an entirely different genre of story than the first. And how interesting it is that the second diary thrusts us immediately into the action, and then gives us the necessary exposition so we understand the gravity of what just happened

GD: You know, speaking of different genres of story, it reminds me of the MVs. I have a story that's only somewhat related, which I haven't done in a while, so it seems fitting

I saw Hitchcock's Psycho for the first time ever last weekend. It was playing in the theater (for mother's day lol) and I knew nothing about it except that a character named Norman Bates was in it and that he was obsessed with his mom. So I tell you, when the girl who seemed to be the main character died, I was shocked. And then I was shocked again when the mom turned out to be dead, and he'd actually been dressing up as his mom. Like floored.

And I think I had a totally unique experience because most people seem to have a lot of cultural knowledge about psycho by the time they watch it, if they ever do watch it

If I had been an Atiny during Fever Part 1 and had read the diary, and then had the experience of reading part 2 immediately when it came out, I think it would've been absolutely shocking.

They do set it up in the outro that there are different worlds, but then you just fall into a totally different action story

(As it is, I read this diary first, and then later went back and read the first one, but none of that mattered because I'd caught up mostly on the lore through Kingdom which is when I joined the fandom)

BobbyJ: Can confirm that the second diary was quite shocking after reading the first. I expected another series of introspective character pieces. Not dystopian survival

GD: The music video shift was also quite shocking I imagine. Oh to have been an Atiny for all of Fever

BobbyJ: Yes, but Ateez MVs haven't really been strong on the storytelling until The Real--which is arguably not exactly in universe. So, you could say The World is where the MVs really start to reflect (rather than hint at) what's happening in the lore. So I don't think I, or perhaps anyone else, really expected Fireworks to be a continuation of Inception

I do know that I was disappointed that we never found out how Hongjoong escaped the void. I even floated a theory that HJ in Fireworks was an imposter

GD: Are you anticipating the music video of Bouncy to be a continuation of Guerrilla? Or at least, the story started in Guerrilla

BobbyJ: Not directly, but also yes, since they do seem to be telling the story I anticipated that they would tell--namely, breaking into Prestige

GD: Hmmm

BobbyJ: I'm going on a small, but fairly related tangent/rant

I get pretty irritated with people who claim that they "can't get into a group" because of the lore. In fact, I put them on the same level as people who "don't have time to listen to b-sides"--which is a whole separate rant that I am holding in my heart. Because, I would argue--and I would do it successfully--that every Ateez MV can stand on its own conceptually. Yes, most of them are related to the lore and are sprinkled with clues and connections. But apart from those, every MV also has its own concept and (somewhat vague) story.

GD: Yes I agree

BobbyJ: I also follow Dreamcatcher, as you know. And I know absolutely nothing about their lore. I still enjoy their MVs for what they are.

GD: That's also why I'm not really expecting to see a ton of similarities in Bouncy? Outside of maybe a reference to Prestige.. but I think it will look and feel quite different

BobbyJ: Well, we can already see that the world of Guerrilla feels very different from the world of Bouncy/Outlaw

GD: I would also argue that most people don't listen to music while obsessively watching MVs? And you don't have to know anything about their lore to listen to a song on spotify.... so....

Right, even the way they've conceptualized the town. Hilariously, this may post after Bouncy comes out, and we will appear to have just not even watched it.

BobbyJ: I'll add an editor's note

[Editor’s note: This Bible Study session was held on Sunday, May 21. So, we had only just heard the first WooSan teaser. Do you remember what life was like pre-Outlaw teasers? Not me.]

And this will definitely be post-Bouncy. Unless my math is bad which it nearly always is.

[Additional editor's note: it's not post-Bouncy.]

GD: Fantastic I can't wait for us to sound like we don't understand anything. There will probably be some diary entry that brings everything all together for us

BobbyJ: That would be the dream

GD: "And then the Be Free Girl revealed she was god, and we all understood that everything that happened was because of her"

BobbyJ: And I look like a fool for doubting your insane theory

GD: Well that would be fun for me. My predicting prowess is back at zero for Outlaw now that they don't even have a green version coming out

BobbyJ: And after all those chili peppers

GD: I know. I know.

BobbyJ: Alright--here's my nothing


Bobby's Sacred Writing:

So my initial thought is about the fear and hype surrounding AI these days. And I think just as with everything else, it all depends on how you use it. I used ChatGPT to help me write some sentences for my final because I just couldn’t brain any more. But, I found that the sentences it gave me usually needed some help. So, AI is a useful tool, but currently, it cannot replace human intelligence entirely–when it comes to creative endeavors, at least. However, I think it’s interesting that we see a sort of precursor to the Guardians. They started with something relatively harmless and supposedly helpful and it evolved into something dangerous and, based on the Guardian behavior we’ve witnessed so far, unpredictable. I can see the appeal though. Everyone wants stability. And saying it’s for the entire human race is pretty. . . what’s the word. . . like making a big promise–ambitious. That’s the word. I can’t help but think that the central government must have already been very powerful in order to put this whole plan into place. This government doesn’t strike me as very democratic, even before the changes were put into place. And there’s no mention of revolutions or resistances (prior to the Black Pirates), so maybe people were just extremely worn down. So the promise of wealth and stability was enough to get everyone on board. But it does remind me of Final Fantasy VII with the shiny and clean, wealthy area built on top of the slums below. I’m thinking of San and Woo’s trailer now–the vibes are very Midgar-esque. Or rather, one of the Sectors below. Which makes sense since they talk about Sector 1. Did someone at KQ play Final Fantasy, I wonder. . .


GD: I think I've told you that my husband also gets Final Fantasy VII vibes?

BobbyJ: You did, yes. It's a somewhat similar story

GD: The Sector 1 thing has always reminded me of the Hunger Games's districts

BobbyJ: Yes, calling neighborhoods/cities "sectors" is like calling someone by a number. It dehumanizes them in a way

GD: So, did you see the sector 1 lyrics from Outlaw today?

BobbyJ: I did

GD: I think they may be relevant. I need a refresh; let me find them again (Sector 1 v. Outlaw lyrics) It probably is relevant and important, but I can't do anything with it right now

BobbyJ: “This is my Sector 1” is in English. I just heard it for the first time ever after watching this trailer. . . so many times

GD: I think I heard it on the third or fourth listen... definitely not the first

BobbyJ: There are just so many things to observe and absorb

GD: I guess the thing that's interesting to me about those two snippets is that it at first seems they are anticipating finding answers in sector 1? And now maybe sector 1 is a bad thing they're experiencing? I don't know if that makes sense, but I will be interested in the full side by side when the song comes out

BobbyJ: But isn't getting the answers we want sometimes a tough and hard process?

GD: It's the "this is my sector 1" that throws me. When I hear it, I assume it's a metaphor, but maybe that's not right. Maybe it's literal--this is sector 1 and it sucks

BobbyJ: "Another me inside of me is about to come out" is wild. How long before people make this about Woo being a traitor?

GD: I've already seen it

BobbyJ: I think it's still metaphorical though

GD: "I'm more convinced than ever" is the exact wording I saw

BobbyJ: Starts writing a "Woo is not a traitor, y'all!" post. . . even though I've already done it

GD: I thought the me inside of me was metaphorical, which is what led me to the "sector 1" bit being metaphorical too.

BobbyJ: To me, Sector 1 is the bad place you have to go to/through to get where you need to go/learn what you need to learn. In Outlaw, we see the thought process while they're stuck inside Sector 1. . . is my imperfect and too hasty interpretation

GD: I like it. They know that they will have answers, they want it to be different, but once there, it's hard and they struggle. Sort of a bad guys close in situation

To me, a lot of these songs seem to represent the feelings of the people of strictland more so than Ateez? The "I want to feel alive, don't want to stay in the dark" comes to mind

BobbyJ: Well, I've long thought that Ateez lyrics have multiple levels of meaning. And I think the lore does as well because honestly, Strictland represents a late state capitalist society. And a lot of us are starting to feel like we're trapped in a dystopia. So, the lyrics they write can be applied to the lore, they can be applied to Ateez specifically (personally, professionally) and they can be applied to us the listeners.

GD: Your anti-capitalist thoughts are showing. Love to see it

BobbyJ: Your influence, I imagine

GD: I do think that's how good songs/poetry/writing/art should be. If you can't see yourself in it, it's hard to make meaning from it. But I guess I mean that their lore meaning doesn't seem to be how Ateez themselves should necessarily feel in the lore? At least for some songs

I strongly believe that they all deeply relate to the actual lyrics of their songs because their songs are deeply relatable

BobbyJ: Right, because I don't think that they are only telling the story from their perspective


04: mental murder board

GD: Should we consider our mental murder board? I do not have any connections. I am having lots of thoughts about the Be Free girl today and feel like I should rewatch the Halazia epilogue

BobbyJ: You should put your theory on the database.

I'm thinking about the trailer. Couldn't even tell you what today's diary was about.

Since we've discussed this just a bit before, was it necessary for Hwa specifically to narrate this page?

GD: Well, I do wonder if him narrating it is what brought me to the be free girl

BobbyJ: I guess we learn that Hwa is mimicking Hongjoong's thoughts that they just needed to get home

GD: It's interesting because we don't know exactly what Hwa is living for at home? He does things "his way" but that has not really been defined for us

BobbyJ: I guess it is interesting that through his eyes/ears we learn about the power of music to set people free

GD: He might be the most sympathetic to picking up those details

BobbyJ: I feel like I need to keep a running list of "why this narrator"

GD: Maybe that should be an official part of bible study

BobbyJ: A temporary one

GD: Right because they free themselves of it in the first World. I do think adding it as a temporary section after "thoughts on page" and before "sacred practice" could help divide

I think Seonghwa doesn't mention weather at all so my weather theory is gone

BobbyJ: A Thoughts on the Page subsection

GD: Weather was only important in the first diary book. Perhaps there is no weather in strictland

BobbyJ: I don't believe there is, unless I'm getting it confused with The Giver

GD: They talk about storms, thunder a lot. And it's raining in Deja Vu? But I wouldn't say that means anything

BobbyJ: But I think we learn that in TWM


If there's no weather then what the heck is happening in Halazia? And didn't Hongjoong (most untrustworthy man alive) say thunder/lightning were important?

GD: Actually I take it back. Weather is important. They experience all of the seasons in Eternal Sunshine

He did say that. Huh. . . What if they can track the cromer not because of a honing device but because there is thunder and lightning any time it's used?

BobbyJ: Hmmm. . . Answer and Deja Vu are the most cromer-adjacent MVs

GD: I've just rewatched this. It is sprinkling in it? There is lightning. Perhaps these 4 characters are the real watchers.. and they leave Seonghwa the thing that will bring him to the table

Supposedly these 4 characters we have never met or heard of are in fact important

BobbyJ: They are, indeed, watching

GD: Bets on whether we will meet these 4 characters in outlaw?

BobbyJ: Maybe in a stinger? What if they also have a cromer? Travelers from another dimension

GD: They're the third Teez I was convinced existed, but like a whole actual different Teez. Like Into the Spiderverse style. Spiderman Yunho actually a spoiler

BobbyJ: Everything's a spoiler if we try hard enough


05: closing

GD: Exactly. Any other thoughts before we pick a song?

BobbyJ: I have no further thoughts because I am incapable. Should we do patron saints first?

GD: Good idea. Do you know yours?

BobbyJ: Absolutely not

GD: I do have mine.

My patron saint is going to be Yunho. I will finish this project today, which means I have the rest of the week to just... do anything I've been putting off unrelated to it. So. While there are many things that I do need to get done both around the house and other work stuff, I would like to also fully enjoy this week of semi-freedom. And thus, I would like to channel Yunho.

BobbyJ: Oh yes, he really worked for me when I needed him.

This week, I have two more class days and then two days of finals and then it's just post-planning. Also, on Friday all the 8th grade teachers received this wildly unhinged email from a parent that has made me upset all weekend (in like a pebble in my shoe sort of way). Plus, as you know, I'm coming off of a generally difficult week altogether.

So, I feel what I need is consistency and comfort, and so I choose Seonghwa who I think has a remarkable attention to detail but is also a very soothing personality. Like, I feel better when he's around.

GD: Yes he is soothing and calm

BobbyJ: I also appreciate his joy in his hobbies. Which I would like to reclaim

GD: He's very unapologetically himself in a way that just feels natural. Which is what I think makes him so calm. He's not trying to do or be anything other than who he is, and that's just really nice.

BobbyJ: Makes just the most astoundingly adorable tiktoks.

So, we also do a prayer for the narrator before the hymn and oh my goodness I can't remember the term for the thing we do at the end. . . not liturgy. . . not vespers

GD: Rosary

BobbyJ: Gracious

GD: It's been a week

BobbyJ: We should have vespers. I don't know what that would be, but it would be pleasant

GD: I think I have one?

BobbyJ: Excellent

GD: No, maybe not. I take it back

BobbyJ: Then I take it back too

GD: Well, we can try it


BobbyJ: . . .

(You have skipped steps what are you doing)

GD: IDK. I don't even know where I am. What month it is. The day of the week. What are the steps?

BobbyJ: I feel like maybe what you meant to say was that you hope for Hwa to continue to experience freedom? Perhaps learn to appreciate the freedom he has already found? Instead of trying so hard to return to his prison?

GD: Yes, and I'd like for him to remember how important freedom is. It's striking to me that for someone who already knows that, he seems to forget it while talking to these two little kids who are very much not free. So I'd like him to remember how valuable and precious it is, not just for him, but for everyone.

BobbyJ: Yes. Do you have a hymn thought?

GD: I do not. I barely have A thought

BobbyJ: How do you feel about Cyberpunk?

GD: Good--I like that it's a song that reminds me of Hwa too

BobbyJ: Okay. We're doing it. Now we rosary. Finally now--it's your time

GD: Okay. I'm ready.


BobbyJ: Seonghwa

GD: Be the light

BobbyJ: Halazia


And that's it for this week! By the time our next bible study posts, we will be in a post-bouncy world. We hope you enjoy the week, and we'd love to know which member will help guide you!


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