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Bible Study: Fever Pt.2, Yeo Sang (Part 2)

Writer: BobbyBobby

Updated: Aug 2, 2023

[Note: This series originally started as a project on Reddit, and we are archiving the posts here on our site. You can find the original Bible Study posts here.]

Greetings, friends.

We have returned with part 2 of our discussion on Yeosang's letter to his father. This week we are building sermons.

BobbyJ: Before we officially begin, I just want you to know that I briefly entertained the thought that Z might be Yeo's father in the Z dimension. It makes no sense, but it's a very romantic sort of idea

GD: We've all entertained the thought that Z is somehow future HJ, right?

BobbyJ: Yes. My most realistic idea is that it's Henry Jo

GD: HJ. I mean it's right there. Anyways

Today we are supposed to build a sermon based on Yeo's letter, and I must say I am unprepared. I need a couple of more minutes with our convo from forever ago

BobbyJ: Hmmm. . . maybe I skimmed too fast but it doesn't seem we accomplished very much? Nothing really jumps out at me today, at least

If we're living in a One-Teez universe, which I haven't fully let go of, then every Teez is the same Teez. Like with Harry Potter and so many other time travel stories, when people travel forwards and backwards within their own timeline, they don't replace their current selves. There are two selves. So, a future Hongjoong going back in an attempt to fix mistakes or to act on some wild, devious plan is something that would be entirely possible since we already have an established time/dimension travel device.

GD: I also haven't fully let go of One-Teez, but Hongjoong and his white board about a and z universe sort of echoes in my mind every time I consider it

BobbyJ: You can still have multiple universes and One-Teez

GD: Huh. That's true

BobbyJ: I don't think we can assume that multiple universes automatically means carbon copies of every person. Because the whole point of a different universe is that people have made different choices and created their own timeline. Unless you want to introduce the idea of fate–

GD: Oh god I do not

BobbyJ: –and that no matter what choices people make, certain people are destined to be born

To me it seems far less likely that Halateez are separate beings unless the Z universe is one that has only very recently split from the A universe. And here I'm using universe as timelines

GD: Right

BobbyJ: But if I'm being perfectly honest here, with great respect to the Intern and all, I think the most likely reason that they haven't spelled out the rules of their universe(s) is so that they can bend and break them at will

GD: I am reminded of the writing process generally.

Often, even when I have an outline of everything that will happen, how it plays out is slightly different than I expect. So I have to go back and edit the beginning to match the end It strikes me that this story doesn't have that luxury. And it reminds me of the serialized novels that were popular in the 1800s. When we read them now, we're like "well, they could've used a tight edit" and yes. Exactly. But they didn't have the luxury because they were published as they went

BobbyJ: I was thinking TV shows, but it's the same idea

GD: Ah yeah, tv shows are a great comp. It's so common for a first season to be just FANTASTIC, and then the second season happens and you're like... what?

BobbyJ: It's one of the several reasons I prefer k-dramas to western TV. Generally, with a limited season of usually 16 episodes, you have a more concrete period of time you're working with. So the writing--for the most part--tends to be tighter and writers less likely to retcon earlier plot and character developments

As frustrating as it is for clowntinys, I think it's very smart that they haven't given too much away. They don't want to be enslaved to the world they've built. And it's also why their MVs tend to deal more with ideas than with concrete narratives

At the time of this bible study, we are still living in a pre-Bouncy world, but it does feel like they are planning something more narrative for this one comeback. Which, if it turns out to be true, I find very pleasantly surprising

GD: Can't believe we will be in a post-Bouncy world next week

BobbyJ: It's been seven years since they announced it

GD: Unbelievable. Sometimes I still think the song previews were a fever dream


03: sacred practice

This week's sacred practice involves picking a line from the text and considering what sermon we would preach based on it.

GD: Should we pick a line for our sermons? I still haven't done that

BobbyJ: Yes

GD: Can I pick half a line?

BobbyJ: No rules, just vibes

GD: Okay, I'm going to pick

"I could only see people who were running without taking a single look at the sky, as if they were being chased."

Is it my turn to go first?

BobbyJ: I don't remember, but you can if you're ready. Mine is a different line

GD: I have a vague idea of what I want to say, so I'll try

BobbyJ: Woo and I believe in you

GD: Okay, if I was going to give a sermon on this line, I'd want to ask people 'are you running towards something? or are you running from something?' I think our past bible study sermons have probably even revealed themes of making sure that we are living in the present. And I would probably continue to think about those ideas.

In my own life, I often do so much that I sometimes don't really remember even what I did--like my past actions are trapped in some sort of fog. And I guess the question I want to ask myself sometimes is why. Why am I running like that without looking back? I think it's one thing to run towards your goals and your dreams, and another to just run because we've been told to run.

And I suppose the point of my sermon would be to stop and examine who or what is chasing you. Know why you're running. And make sure it's because you want to.

BobbyJ: This is a question I've been asking myself a lot recently

This morning, I finished crocheting my turtle army. So Basco now has seven friends. I'm sending one to my nephew as he requested, but now I just have six turtles.

And I can't help but ask myself: Why did I do this? What exactly was my end game?

GD: The cute turtles are very cute though

BobbyJ: And while this is a silly example because I do all sorts of nonsense for no other reason than it was a thing I wanted to do so I did it, when it comes to the larger decisions in my life, I often feel that I'm just drifting. Which I realize is not quite the same as what your sermon is about, but being certain of our goals, or even just having goals, seems related

GD: I think we've talked before about how I make huge life decisions on a whim and then just run full steam ahead without ever stopping to examine why I made the decision in the first place.

And it sort of scares me when I look back and I'm like "how even did I arrive here?"

BobbyJ: I've mentioned before that I'm very passive. Inaction is my fatal flaw. But things often just have a way of working out for me in ways that don't always make sense? And so I often have that same question: "how even did I arrive here?"

And it makes me wonder--if I stopped being so passive, where would I be? Would I be more or less anxious? Would I even still be myself?

I have no answers.

GD: It's hard to say. The self is a confusing thing.

BobbyJ: Truly. It makes me more sympathetic to Katharine and Isabel [Editor's note: the developers of the very popular MBTI personality profiles.]

GD: I was just thinking about them

So my psychiatrist recommended I read this book about living with adult adhd, and while reading it, I just had this overwhelming feeling like "oh my god, is my entire personality just the fact that I have adhd?" Because everything in there was just things that I've always thought of as my personality quirks, instead of like coping mechanisms I've developed to deal with my struggles

BobbyJ: Mmm, like what part of you is you and what part is you with adhd

GD: Right?

It's a common joke that I'm useless in the morning, can't do anything without coffee, can barely string words together, in a way that is not normal for other people--even other people who live on coffee. But then this book was like "and people with adhd often find it difficult to function in the morning and will wake up by mid afternoon and then need a nap and then wake up and be fully awake at night" and I was like... but that's just my schedule? I had a full blown crisis over it this weekend, but I have mostly turned it around now.

BobbyJ: I do feel that having that knowledge will eventually be very beneficial. I've been thinking about my students with adhd and how with our new schedule next year, I am destined to have some kids who will never, ever be fully functional in my classes and what I can do to alleviate those issues

Teacher brain is too on

GD: It is very unfortunate that we push kids into boxes that do not work for them

BobbyJ: I know. School simply doesn't work for everyone. Not the way we do it

GD: (30 minutes until I have to leave to go talk to the doctor lol)

BobbyJ: Okay then

So, my sermon has a visual aid, but I will need you to go watch it first. If you don't mind

GD: Excellent. I love visual aids

BobbyJ: As you know, I recently finished watching The Sound of Magic and there's a line from this diary that just smacked me right in the face. So, first, I need you to go watch episode 5 of The Sound of Magic starting around the 34 minute mark until about 36-37 minutes

GD: Lol I admit I was hoping for a youtube clip. Let me pull up Netflix.

BobbyJ: No YouTube clip sadly.

[Context for those who can’t or don’t want to watch the clip: Il-deung is a high school boy from a rich family. His parents want him to become an attorney like his father, and they put extreme pressure on him to be number one at school. So, though he is extremely intelligent, he deals with a lot of anxiety. In the clip, we see Il-deung remember an award he won as a child as the scene then shows us him as a teenager and then an adult in a suit driving a sports car through the city while this song plays (the song is important for vibes). Meanwhile, in a voiceover, Il-deung says:

“I am a lucky person. I am going fast on a straight and even asphalt-paved road. So people who are walking slowly on a winding, messy dirt road can never beat me. So I am always on top. I have walked this asphalt road, thinking it’s a blessing. If I just stay on this road that my parents have already paved, I will arrive safely at a good college and a good job after that. But. . . after meeting the magician, one question suddenly hit me. Am I driving of my own free will? This road is so fast that I can’t see my surroundings clearly. I can’t just keep driving forward without knowing where the end is.”

He then emerges from a tunnel onto a dirt road in a vast field of yellow flowers.]

GD: I can see how this is very related to the excerpt. Also I feel I could use it for my sermon too

I should rewatch this show

BobbyJ: So, my line (actually, it's two) is

"Now that I'm walking on a bumpy road after always having walked on a beautiful and straight road, my feet keep on throbbing. My feet are sore, but I still feel good."

My sermon isn't high concept at all--it's probably one I would give to my 8th graders. But this idea of the path of least resistance not always being the best choice, the choice that will bring us the greatest joy in the long run. For me, it's the reminder that hard things are worth doing, that forging your own path requires pain and difficulty. And courage. Both Yeosang and Il-deung are remarkably brave for breaking from the easy path provided by their parents' wealth but paved with their expectations.

And I think if I were to adapt it for the children, I would remind them that most often it's society's expectations of who we are supposed to be and what we are supposed to do that are the most suffocating.

GD: Reminds me of that very famous Harry Potter line about the difference between what is right and what is easy. A different context, but I do think a lot about doing things the right way vs. doing things the easy way, and when it's okay to do it easy and when it's okay to do it right. I don't know if that made sense, but it made sense in my head

BobbyJ: I think it depends on the person? People who are high-achieving with high expectations often make things harder on themselves by trying to be perfect rather than right. While, and I'm thinking of my students here, others will make things harder on themselves by being lazy. Like kids who wait until the night before to try to write a research paper. But also, there are some things where there is no "right" or "best" way. So it really depends. But I do think there are times, and I know we've talked about this before, when perfect doesn't equal right. When right can just be good enough so we save energy for other more important things

GD: Right--the good enough is perfect when it comes to cleaning my house

BobbyJ: Shall we start wrapping up so you can head out?

GD: Ah, but we have so much to do. So yes. I always forget the closing order? You'll have to lead us


04: mental murder board

BobbyJ: Murder board? Any connections to be made?

GD: I said last week that this reminded me of Hwa's snowy road moment, and that remains true

BobbyJ: Yes, I was just thinking. The path metaphor

The throwback to the first entry--the procession of busy people

GD: I am also vaguely thinking about "Relationships" - and how relationships with some people help you improve your relationship with yourself I don't have anywhere to take that

BobbyJ: Finding these friends has helped Yeo find himself. His actual self

GD: Right, so I suppose I'd like to spend some time noting the others’ relationship to Yeosang as we continue on

BobbyJ: So, briefly, one of the reasons that I played with the idea of Z being Yeo's father is the line "Father, thus I will not return to the world you have created." That Z created this world and the parallels. But since I don't think it's true (just interesting), I don't have anything to say about it


05: closing

So, that brings us to patron saints which we've already picked for the week since this is Monday

Mine is Wooyoung because I am not dealing with anyone's nonsense this week. Any and all complaints and criticisms can be sent to my lawyer and my lawyer is a trash can.

GD: And mine is San and Jongho (The Choi Brothers) because I need a calm, centeredness and a good humor plus the ability to do hard things I don't want to do this week.

BobbyJ: Alright--prayer for Yeosang?

GD: Well, I hope he continues to be as brave as he is here (which I know he does), and also that he feels the comfort of his friends with him. It seems like he isn't sharing all of this with his friends? So I hope he finds their comfort anyways, and stops blaming himself

BobbyJ: Yes, I very much second that he lets go of the guilt

Do you have a hymn thought? I'm thinking Thanxx. It's not quite the right vibe but it's the right message

GD: Oh, yes. I like that

BobbyJ: Alrighty. I have once again forgotten the name of the next thing, but if you're ready

GD: Rosary! That I know

BobbyJ: Lol. My old age is getting to me I suppose.

Here we go.

[Editor’s note: What follows is definitely our first and only attempt at the rosary and there was zero struggle.]


GD: Yeosang

BobbyJ: Be the light

GD: Halazia

BobbyJ: Good work everybody


Thank you for joining us. Please share your thoughts or patron saints down below and have a fantastic week.


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