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the home of whimsical atiny

Bible Study: Halazia Special Edition (Part 2)

Writer: BobbyBobby

Welcome back to Part 2 of our sacred study of Halazia! Last week we talked about many ATEEZ songs that were not actually Halazia, so this week we plan to actually discuss what we set out to discuss.


GD: Anyways, I couldn't tell you where we are. We'd discussed all of Turbulence and Utopia and perhaps glanced at Halazia

BobbyJ: I think the last actual on-topic thing we discussed was "in shackled freedom.” We talked about the idea of the gov promising freedom from emotions to save the people--"we're doing all this for you"

GD: Ah, yes. Do you remember them playing that bit at the concerts?

BobbyJ: Which bit?

GD: The like, government propaganda manifesto? It's on the first page of the world, I think, and before the concerts they play a bit of it.

BobbyJ: Ah right

GD: And they say the "All of this is for you" part?

BobbyJ: Don't they say that in the trailer as well?

GD: I was on the floor in Phoenix, and like when they said that part, a girl behind me went "awwwwww"

and I just.. I think about it all the time. Like it was a sweet awwww, like an awww you would do if you saw someone do something sweet for someone else

BobbyJ: Like she didn't realize who was speaking? Had no clue about the lore?

GD: It was perhaps the wildest thing I heard at any concert I went to, and I heard many people scream for Mingi specifically to take them.

BobbyJ: Mingi does have that effect on people

GD: She seemed to believe that the message was from Ateez to Atiny. And that it was somehow... nice?

Anyways, it really concerned me on a deep level, which is why I still think about it. I think it scared me that someone could think that this speech was a good thing?

BobbyJ: I think that people 1. might just be a little dumb and 2. don't pay attention to the lore because "it's too complicated/cringey.” Which is nonsense but I won't get on that soapbox right now

GD: Well I'm just re-watching the speech, and they are really painting this image of freedom. "You are the world itself." "You're always right." "Pain is an unnecessary emotion". So I guess I like the way this speech ties into the "shackled freedom". What are they free from, exactly? Free from feeling emotions is basically it, and the emotions are the thing that make life worth living

BobbyJ: I'm looking at the progression of this verse and my brain is processing slowly tonight. "We all try but we lose emotion.” We all try what? Try to keep their feelings? “Getting used to the feeling of losing/ Getting paralyzed.” As in, I'm getting used to losing and getting paralyzed?

GD: I have taken it to mean try to live their lives but keep feeling like something is missing/not right

BobbyJ: Does the feeling of losing refer specifically to losing emotions?

GD: I do think the "getting used to the feeling of losing" bit refers to losing emotions, yeah

BobbyJ: Obviously there's a broader application, as there always is in Ateez songs

GD: The paralyzed is interesting to me because what's paralyzing them? Fear? sadness? That wrongness?

They're not supposed to have emotions... but they seem to? Right? The desire to have emotion is an emotion?

BobbyJ: If we connect it to the next line, it gives me a feeling of being trapped

GD: Yeah, perhaps the paralyzing is more of a not knowing what to do

BobbyJ: So I was sort of connecting "shackled freedom" together with "small fantasy within me" and I don't think that's right. I feel like perhaps the fantasy is more like a dream--like the whispers--that is starting to rise up, make itself known because then we get the Halazia line. So this feels more like an awakening

GD: I agree

BobbyJ: Realizing that something is missing is the first step to opening your eyes/waking up

GD: I have some thoughts about the emotion of longing but they're underdeveloped. Perhaps as we continue, they will reveal themselves. Also, if you read those lines as going into the "I want to hear the sound of love's breath", it follows well that this is the awakening

BobbyJ: I think longing is interesting because you can long for something and have absolutely no idea what it is. Which is what I feel is happening here in a way

GD: I feel like there's a specific word for longing to go back to a past or place that doesn't exist. Like people will long to return to a house they never lived in or go back to a childhood they didn't have

BobbyJ: (I'm thinking of how you mentioned the prevalence of breath imagery and how they used wind in the drippy mall video)

I don't know if there's a word but I get that all the time. Certain books make me feel homesick even when I'm at home. Like this other place is where I'm supposed to be but I can't get there. I also feel that way when I look at the stars. So I don't look at the stars because it's unsettling

GD: I think I read about it in one of those articles about words that only exist in certain cultures? Because I found this Portuguese word that is what I think I was remembering

From the internet: The famous saudade of the Portuguese is a vague and constant desire for something that does not and probably cannot exist, for something other than the present, a turning towards the past or towards the future; not an active discontent or poignant sadness but an indolent dreaming wistfulness.

BobbyJ: Yes. Yes exactly

GD: It is very uncomfortable to want something very badly and also not know what that something is and also have no idea how to find it

BobbyJ: A general feeling of wrongness and you can't do anything about it

GD: I can see how that would be paralyzing. I can also see how music and dance could save you in those situations

BobbyJ: I do wonder though, when they say "Oh, Halazia" is that like a prayer? It's hard to know since Halazia doesn't really mean anything. But we know it's associated with light

GD: I remember there were a couple of people who said zia in Korean is equivalent to like "it is" or something? But I have no way to confirm or deny whether that's true. So I just sort of hold it off to the side

BobbyJ: I did read that somewhere as well, but it must be very casual Korean bc I've never read or heard it used that way

GD: I can get hangul into basically a sound that sounds like "zia" but as far as I can see it has no translation

So, it would have to be some other spelling of "zia" than what I came up with

BobbyJ: Ateez themselves said it was a made up word. And they straight up told us what hala means, so I don't know why they'd be cagey with this one

GD: Why anything? So, yes, I just hold that off to the side and move on. But to your point, it has always read like a prayer to me. Hence bible study, probably

BobbyJ: What if it's not

GD: Upsetting for our bible study

BobbyJ: So the verse has been kind of an awakening of sorts. What if Halazia (my heart is awake, I am living alive) is like coming into yourself? Realizing who you really are? The way that it builds slowly in the chorus from the beginning to end, from the soft chanting to the belting

GD: Oh interesting. It makes sense with the "no more, keep control"

BobbyJ: I do have questions about that. But if, as we have suspected, Ateez aren't actually here and this is like the perspective of the strictland people waking up--this idea of saving themselves rather than waiting for Ateez to do all the work? There is a question in there, I don't know precisely what it is. My question about no more, keep control and no more, keep your soul--does the keep control refer to keeping control of yourself? Not letting someone else take over?

GD: So I've basically always read that line as "keep your control", so make sure that you are the one in charge of you--not someone else, especially when read with the "keep your soul" bit

BobbyJ: Right. I had wondered briefly if it was more like an argument--Z trying to pull you back into control. Not an argument but a battle. I don't think so, but would be interesting--given that we've seen at least one other exchange in the song

GD: I don't think those are necessarily that different. I do think for some people, it's probably harder to pull away from Z than for others, and so they would have more of an internal battle, so I can see the line being more confused for some. But I don't really get the vibe that it's an exchange? I think because of everything else going on in the music video and the way the instrumentals get really powerful in that part? It seems like the commitment to me.

BobbyJ: Yeah, I agree. Context is important. I say to that girl in Phoenix

GD: Speaking of the concert in Phoenix and the context–we were talking about the 'walls' around Strictland and whether or not there were walls. I think we both felt that there were

BobbyJ: Yeah, there has to be something

GD: And the concert video definitely gives that vibe as well. Like it looks like a gate with watch towers. But just because there's a wall doesn't mean there isn't a way in or out--I'm sure people have figured it out

BobbyJ: Is this significant literally or metaphorically? Like--are we thinking about the people slipping out of strictland or more metaphorically being able to break through Z's control?

GD: Both. I just think both are true all the time. When you realize there's more beyond Z's control, you realize there's more beyond Z's control, if that makes any sense

BobbyJ: Yes. If Z had perfect control they wouldn't need a wall, metaphorical or otherwise

GD: Right. Speaking of beyond, I noted this line:

The truth hidden in fear

Blooms beyond that

BobbyJ: As did I

GD: And the next line is "distinctly beyond there"

BobbyJ: Feels like a recognition that there is more, out there somewhere

GD: Is it saying like, they're afraid, but the truth that there is more than what is here is more powerful than their fear?

BobbyJ: "That" and "there" are so vague. The truth blooms beyond fear maybe?

GD: Like once they've gotten past their fear, that's where the truth will bloom?

BobbyJ: "Distinctly beyond there" is really throwing me off. Why distinctly?. I'm briefly reminded of an English cover of Halazia I saw on YouTube a few days ago and the translation was horrendous. Absolutely missed the meaning

GD: That's very upsetting. I need to think about what distinctly means. Perhaps it means, only beyond there--no where else does it bloom

BobbyJ: Mmm--yes, I see. The next lines make sense then--questioning why they've been so quiet and asking "who are we in the darkness for?" The truth is making them realize. Maybe Halazia is a prayer after all bc then they say: "If one wish could be realized, would you grant me the light?"

GD: I was copying and pasting that line just now

BobbyJ: Which is interesting because so far it's felt like a very self-sufficient sort of journey?

GD: But actually, it's the next line that really interests me: “For hot passion instead of cold despair”

Grant me the light for hot passion

BobbyJ: Takes me back to a line in the chorus I wanted to talk about

Color this infinitely cold world

Be the light, oh, Halazia

The cold world = cold despair

GD: I have not previously connected color and light together

BobbyJ: Light reveals color

GD: But it makes a lot of sense seeing that light is how we see color


BobbyJ: Is what I'm getting. I do wonder why it's not "color this infinitely DARK world"

GD: Color/light/passion all belong together in Ateez's book (and also mine)

BobbyJ: Heat as well, I think

GD: Cold is often associated with the dark, I suppose. So perhaps they're leaning on some natural associations

BobbyJ: You know, outside of Woo's and Mingi's hair there's no red in Halazia at all (other than the fire--which is associated with the warmth and light). Truly an excellent use of color for storytelling. Ateez literally colors the world

GD: Ugh. I feel like I should say something profound but all I have is they're really so great.

BobbyJ: Interesting that all their color imagery makes use primarily of the primary colors. Didn't we at one point go down a wild tangent about color?

GD: We did

BobbyJ: Did we arrive at a conclusion?

GD: I am having strong memories of having big thoughts about the color green in the music video but I have no idea what those big thoughts were

BobbyJ: I remember something about certain colors creating white. I think we know for sure that red stands for passion. And yellow seems to be dreams/emotions/memories. I am undecided about blue?

GD: I know we talked about where else have we seen yellow and blue, which seemed to be the two main colors in the video outside of black and white. San specifically in Epilogue, but also Wooyoung and I think Hongjoong had on the same very light blue colors

BobbyJ: What might you get if you combine passion and emotions/memories?

GD: Hope?

BobbyJ: And orange. So what if you combined emotions/memories with whatever blue stands for? I'm doing algebra with colors. It's a disaster probably

GD: Hard when we aren't completely sure what blue stands for, but Turbulence is blue, Halazia is blue.. what if blue is that longing we were talking about? So not desire or passion, but just this vague longing feeling for something

BobbyJ: I need to read the lyrics of Deja Vu

GD: Makes perfect sense. Are we looking at Hongjoong's rap specifically? Or all of deja vu?

BobbyJ: OH. “I feel an endless thirst.” DV is about wanting something. But DV has both blue and red elements. SO. If we combine longing (blue) with passion (red) what do we get?

GD: They go insane, according to them

BobbyJ: Right. With desire. Which is purple

GD: HM. Is desire purple?

BobbyJ: The song is purple. The feeling? Can't say for sure. I think this color idea is fun but unsubstantiated

GD: I like desire as purple though, I think. We don't have a lot of purple, though you know I've been gunning for purple for a while. I think it's going to happen one day

BobbyJ: Desire, TMH, and Cyberpunk are all purple. None have MVs. That's why there's no purple-teez

GD: I feel like our take me home stages have had a bit of purple to them

BobbyJ: The stages yes

GD: I'm remembering them in the XR concert with the purple sunset. God, I can't believe they announced a concert that night... that was so wild

BobbyJ: Ah--feels so long ago

GD: Anyways, purple. Hongjoong notably has some purple to him in Halazia

BobbyJ: I feel like they've been touring Europe for several months

GD: He is the only one

BobbyJ: Ah, the lights. Yes.

GD: So perhaps the small purple lighting around Hongjoong could represent the idea that the light of desire has been turned on. It will now bloom, somewhere beyond there

BobbyJ: The bright colors are all small at first, aren't they? Hongjoong's lights, Woo's hair, Mingi's hair, the hat on fire--but then it "blooms" with the fire when the effigy burns. But it's not like there's an instantaneous change in the world

GD: What color would you call movement?

I'm sorry San posted a very adorable picture

Is this the photo we were talking about? No idea. But it MIGHT be. So here you go.

BobbyJ: Yes, I know, I was just being envious

Movement the whole album? Or the idea?

GD: The album

BobbyJ: Tricky. Sector 1 is white, Cyberpunk is purple, Guerrilla is ???, The Ring is yellow, WDIG is blue, and New World is white. I want to say Guerrilla is yellow but I think that might just be The Yellow Coat talking

GD: What did we say yellow meant? Oh, memories. The albums are orange, blue, and yellow, and the diary is yellow, so reasonable to feel like the title track is yellow

BobbyJ: Are all the diary colors significant? We have purple, ???, orange, and green

GD: I have often thought it was likely significant but have no proof for it. The diary version of 2 is yellow

BobbyJ: That's what I thought but I thought I was wrong

GD: Almost positive, but I could obviously be wrong. I think A is red, Z is blue, diary is yellow. I do look at these books a lot, so I should be right

BobbyJ: I think I will want to play with colors in earnest at some point

GD: An ongoing goal for me. I've sat down many times trying to follow colors, and I always just end up tired and confused

BobbyJ: It's always hard to tell what things are Significant and what things are just things. Like is Hongjoong wearing red because it means something or did he just think it was pretty

GD: Easier to just assume it's all Significant

BobbyJ: Bible study rules always apply

GD: I think the part that's hard with color is that you're basically needed to look at an overall scheme plus things that stick out. Like I can say with some confidence that Turbulence is blue, but then you have Seonghwa's pink hair. And what color is The Real? Feels like it's just COLORS

BobbyJ: The Real is white. Sometimes it is blue but mostly white

GD: I suppose that makes sense. But what about all the scenes with very bright red? or the very bright greens?

BobbyJ: It's not about the colors in the video. It's the color of the song itself

GD: But I guess I'm saying that I think the color of the video should match the color of the song, and if they're including very noticeable and different colors, we should undertake to figure out why. Like why is the album book for Wonderland so yellow when the song is not yellow?

BobbyJ: Not just yellow but very golden and misty. Like we're looking at everything through a film. Kind of vintage

GD: WHY [shakes the intern]

BobbyJ: Here's a question: Was the intern always as good as she is now?

GD: You're saying she might have experienced some growth since Treasure era? Perhaps would've made some different choices if she was doing this now?

BobbyJ: I do think that, very much. I think a lot of key elements wouldn't change

GD: It is very normal for artists to look at their older work and be like “what was I doing?”

BobbyJ: But some style choices, things that seem mostly superficial, would be different

GD: Of course that's probably true, but all we have is what we have. Ideally, I'd like them to tell me sooner that Pirate King is basically not considered part of the lore. Perhaps that could've been well known when I entered the fandom. It would've saved me from many sleepless nights.

BobbyJ: I don't think they will ever tell you that

GD: Hongjoong told me that.

BobbyJ: I maintain that Treasure is an identity crisis. Oh I see. He did do that

GD: The hardest thing to do sometimes is connect the lore to the things that Hongjoong says

Have we… finished bible studying Halazia? I see it's 9 lol

BobbyJ: Who can say?

GD: Bold of us to think we could ever finish bible studying Halazia. A Rich Vein

BobbyJ: Well, should we close this special service with a rosary to make it feel (temporarily) finished? Finished for now?

GD: Hmmm. Can we bless the people of Strictland? Perhaps call upon ot8 to help them? Help them help themselves, I mean

BobbyJ: May the passion of The New 8 color the land

GD: 8 makes

BobbyJ: 1 Team

GD: Be the light

BobbyJ: Halazia

Ending with Yeo because why not


And that is it for our special deep dive on Halazia! We will be back next week to discuss the Intro and Hongjoong’s page of the Fever Part 2 Diary! We hope you will read along with us.


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