As an exercise in rediscovery, every other Friday we will place a single ATEEZ track under the microscope to explore its deeper meanings, both to ATEEZ's discography and universe and to ourselves.

Lately, I’ve been going Through It. And so tonight, I just want to listen to the softest of ATEEZ songs and share some simple musings. No real thesis, just vibes.
Release Date: January 15, 2019
Album: Treasure Ep.2: Zero to One
Lyrics: Eden, Buddy, Leez, HLB, Kim Hongjoong, Song Mingi
Composition & Arrangement: Eden, Buddy, Leez
Today, one of my former students (she’s a brand new baby high schooler) came back for a chat. She returns pretty frequently, but today she needed to rant. She’s been having some friend trouble lately. She feels, as we all have at one point, that the friends she has are a bit toxic and are bringing her down. She’d realized that she’s happier when she’s not with them. And she was really struggling with the concept of moving on from friends she’s had for years even though she no longer feels the joy with them that she used to.
We talked about how people grow and change–and how they would probably be besties again when they’re seniors together and have moved past this awkward phase where they all mature at different speeds. But more importantly, she reached the conclusion that she needed to do what’s best for her in this moment–and for her, that means letting go and moving on.
The thing about friends is that they aren’t supposed to be yet another source of stress in your life. Friends are supposed to make it all better, not worse.
I’ve been drawn to Light recently (like a moth, you might say). I was reviewing the lyrics when I was struck by this line:
You know, just by our existence / We make each other shine even more
I find the metaphor of “Light” very delightful–two stars who see each other from a distance and slowly work their way to each other to be together. As I re-read the line, I recalled my student’s friend troubles. She needs and deserves friends that make her shine.
Perhaps more importantly, it’s a reminder to me to be grateful for those friends who make the world a brighter place instead of dragging me down with their own darkness.
But also–it reminds me of ATEEZ. Of course it does.
Because the me that I am with them in my life is better than the me I would be without them. I like that they bring out my creativity. I like that they create the soundtracks of my days. I like that they inspire me to grow without making me feel inadequate.
And so, while I can, I’ll bask in this glow.
Wrapped in Light’s cozy warmth.