[This was originally published on r/8TEEZ prior to Outlaw's release. It is being republished here for archival purposes. You can read the original post and comments here.]
I just want to say that this isn’t your fault. KQ has done this to you by releasing the song previews literal weeks before the album. They know we haven’t been feed for almost a full year, and they are teasing us with the pinnacle of music and for what. Album sales? Please. This album will change the world.

Anyways, we have just slightly less than 21 days, so here are some fun ways to distract yourself!
Take up a new hobby!
3 weeks is a perfect amount of time to learn a new skill. By the time Outlaw releases, you will be a pro! Bonus points if the hobby itself is relaxing like yoga. And I just so happen to know a very good yoga playlist that features many ATEEZ songs.
Explore covers by ATEEZ on YouTube!
Okay, so we can’t have new Ateez music just yet. But! Can I interest you in some songs that aren’t normally performed by ATEEZ? If you close your eyes and truly believe, the cover can feel almost like new Ateez songs. Allow Jongho’s angelic voice to bring you to tears. And then remember to breathe with San, which would be the perfect time to pull out your newly acquired yoga skills.
Make a new playlist!
I know that all other music pales in comparison to these 30 second snippets featuring 5 of the world’s most perfect songs. But remember! You do like other music. So make a playlist to help keep your mind occupied and busy during these trying times. Here’s the one I made, so feel free to use it!
Tidy your house!
Once the album releases, you’ll be so busy contemplating the meaning of life and staring at your new albums that you won’t have time to worry about petty little things like your chores. Use this time to prepare your house to bring your new babies home. It’s probably best to just throw away all your dishes now so they won’t pile up later. Stock up on freezer meals that you can eat right out of the throw away container.
Play with your PCs!

What better way to spend quality time with Ateez than to rearrange your PC binder. You can stare at the members for hours, and it’s totally reasonable because you’re just thinking about the Perfect Placement. If you really want to occupy yourself, forget about organizing by things like “era” or “member”, and consider something new! How about an angels vs demons page? Or by yeekie squishfactor! You know what? You’ll probably need more PCs to get the right yeekie factor spread, so perhaps it’s time to order another 4 albums. Or 8. You want an ot8 spread right?
Do your research!
Yeosang has said the MV will feel like we’re watching a movie, so why not watch the movie now while you wait? We sadly don’t know what movie, but that doesn’t mean we’re without clues. Start with Django, and then consider The Good, The Bad, and The Weird. We also have Dune, which is a movie based on a book series, so why not read all 25 books in the series?! If you finish that, consider reaching further back. Money Heist, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Truman Show, Peter Pan. You can make anything relevant to ATEEZ if you believe in yourself.
Create a timeline!
It doesn’t really matter of what just as long as it’s something. Perhaps a timeline of every time Hongjoong has mentioned a movie. Or every time Yunho has worn a weird glove. Or every single picture where Seonghwa has a hand in his pocket. Use the wall space in your living room to map it out now because we all know that no detail is too small for the KQ intern to make relevant again. It might look weird now, but just wait until we learn that Seonghwa’s hand was in his pocket the whole time because he was actually wearing the Be Free bracelet all along, and also that the Be Free bracelet is the key to cracking this whole lore wide open.

Connect with others!
You’ve done all this research and made all these timelines, so now what? Turn the research into a PowerPoint you can share with fellow atinys! Even Hongjoong loves a PowerPoint. Grab yourself 15 cups of coffee and reach a new phase of human existence while you detail all of the pros and cons of a 2teez vs 3teez and track the color red through every music video. If you’re feeling extra ambitious, you could even make a website!
Go on a group trip!
Now that you’ve made some atiny friends through your dope ass PowerPoint, a world of possibilities is open. Nothing distracts quite like a little vacation. I’ve heard South Korea is lovely this time of year and not at all hot or humid. Grab your closest atiny friends, and go ahead and purchase those plane tickets. Btw, the KQ building is there, and possibly even Eden’s computer hard drive is inside of it, and what you do with that information is really up to you. But also, they can’t stop all of us.