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Music Mix for gratitude

Writer: GDGD

It's Monday, and that means it's time for a fresh, tailor-made, ATEEZ-centered playlist to start your week right.

This week, it's Thanksgiving in the United States. There is... a lot... happening in my personal life right now, and it's easy to feel like there's not much to be grateful for even when I know that's not true. But one of the things that has helped me get through this past week without disolving into tears is just throwing on all ATEEZ's discography on shuffle.

So I thought for myself, and for Thanksgiving, I would make a gratitude playlist, which actually turned out much harder than I thought it would be. Usually I try to incorporate more artists than just ATEEZ into my playlists, but I'll be honest: this is mostly ATEEZ.


playlist highlights


Every ATEEZ song on this list makes me appreciate everything that I have and have had. And I just feel like if you're listening to ATEEZ and not getting a warm glow in your chest, then you're not doing it right.

To you - DINDIN, Jeong Sewoon

I have no idea if the lyrics express gratitude, but I love the way the music gets really quiet during the rap and the way I can just nod along to the song.

All Good - ASTRO

ASTRO is one of the groups that I've always had a soft spot for, and the group has been through a lot in the past year or so. This song just brings me a lot of comfort and reminds me of the good times with ASTRO, and I think that's what gratitude is all about: looking past the bad things that have happened to remember those good moments.


What songs make you feel a sense of gratitude? Do you have a Thanksgiving playlist? Let us know!

Have a most excellent week.


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