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the home of whimsical atiny

Music Mix for your purplest eras

Writer: BobbyBobby

It's Monday, and that means it's time for a fresh, tailor-made, ATEEZ-centered playlist to start your week right.

I can't explain this one.

All I can tell you is that these songs are definitely purple. Well, actually, some of them are a little more pink than purple but it's fine.


playlist highlights

Cursor - Purple Kiss

It felt fully wrong to create a purple playlist and not include Purple Kiss. This is a song I discovered on my 2022 musical journey. I remember the week I found it was a tough one for me for reasons that I have forgotten. I just remember it felt like I was discovering it at the perfect time.

Illusion - Kingdom

Kingdom is one of those groups (along with Trendz and Nine.i) that I don't quite stan, but I always check out their releases. With Kingdom there is almost always that one song on each album that just really hits. Illusion is that song.

Doxa - Secret Number

I discovered this song via Idol Radio. I got mildly obsessed with the chorus while watching Daeng-D and Joong-D learn the choreo. I also associate it with a mad Patron Saint Hongjoong-powered week of Getting Things Done--one of those Things being my first custom PC binder.


Perhaps collecting songs by color is the new way of organizing music. Or perhaps a purple playlist is just another one of my weird ways of dealing with Jongho's hiatus. Who can say.

Have a most excellent week.


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