For your weekend amusement, every other Saturday we will share a collection of images centered around the members' styling (such as hair, fashion, accessories, etc.) or stylistic choices (like selfie angles or weird filters). Perhaps we will have deep, meaningful thoughts about them. Perhaps we won't.

We here at Auntiny & Co. LLC are in our Jongho feels today. But actually, that's just sort of our default state, so maybe I didn't even need to mention it. The original purpose of this post was to pick the Top 12 Jongho Selfies from the year, one from each month. But, like, how does one even?
I did my best, but there are more than 12. You're welcome.

Some of y'all forgot about Jongho's little mesh shirt adventure, didn't you. And honestly, that's probably for the best. The rest of us, however--we suffer.

Low quality picture; high quality boy. Look at his lil' face.

Sporty boy in puffer vest and glasses with artfully arranged composition. The most classic Jongho there is.

What is it about a backwards cap? Can we talk about this? With the glasses? And the all black ensemble? I almost don't even notice the toilet paper.

An iconic live must have an iconic selca. I really can't believe this happened in 2023. Has this year actually been like 8 years in one?

What am I supposed to do with this? Like. ???

It's been 8 months. I should be over it by now. But here I am revisiting my trauma.

I don't want to talk about it.

I think I picked this one just because it made me feel normal and grounded again. I've always said Jongho's mirror selfie game is unmatched and I stand by that.

There's a lot going on here to discuss. First of all, that shirt with those jeans shouldn't work. The colors do not vibe, but then you add the glasses and the hair and it's like "Oh. I get it now." Bonus point for knee holes and what is probably a very expensive watch hidden in his cuff.

We Jongho stans were really going through it in June.

Like, really going through it.

Do you remember this Jongho hair? True excellence.

I dare you to write commentary for this photo. I can't.

His FACE. Look at it. Drink it in. Because we're headed into a drought.
The month we do not speak of.

Perhaps the most important selca on the list--this is Jongho's birthday, the day he dropped his amazing and beautiful WildFlower cover, and the day that his return was officially announced.
There are times when you go through something and you don't realize how rough it is until you get to the other side. This was one of those times.

This was for the semi-disastrous Immortal Songs in New York performance, his first after his hiatus. I do remember being a little disappointed that the choker turned out to be a scarf, but that's okay.

A rare and wonderful bare-faced (also bear-faced) selfie.

And here we are. I'm aware that there are some days left in this rollercoaster of a year, but I'm not certain he's going to top this. No one has ever been softer or more squishable.
I do not know how we proceed from here, but I recommend that we use caution. You know how ATEEZ is about outdoing themselves.