For your weekend amusement, every other Saturday we will share a collection of images centered around the members' styling (such as hair, fashion, accessories, etc.) or stylistic choices (like selfie angles or weird filters). Perhaps we will have deep, meaningful thoughts about them. Perhaps we won't.

For no particular reason, I have decided that pink is a good color for Seonghwa. Perhaps it was the brief and beautiful period where his hair was pink. And I am in a pink sort of mood. So here is a collection of Seonghwa wearing pink throughout the years (and yes, I'm counting all of the times his hair was pink because otherwise there just isn't enough pink Seonghwa).
I am manifesting a beautiful pink stage for the next comeback with Seonghwa in the most pink, and I am manifesting him posting 1,000 selfies of it just for me. Because what we don't have is enough pictures of Seonghwa in pink.