It's Wednesday, and that means that we're here to personally recommend some of our favorite ATEEZ videos. So, whether you're just getting into ATEEZ or it's been awhile since you've let yourself sit back and enjoy their content, we've got you covered.

This is KQ's fault. They created a scenario, hinted that there might be more to come, and then didn't follow through. Perhaps had they never paired up my beloved 2Ho and made them undercover (or possibly fake--it's a bit confusing) cops for the Bouncy mv, my imagination wouldn't have run wild casting my two favorite ATEEZ actors as a pair of mismatched detectives trying to solve crimes without driving each other crazy (but of course they're besties by the end).
If you watched Imitation (or if you took the coward's way out and just watched a YouTube compilation), you know that Yunho and Jongho actually have a lot of potential as actors. So, since I am deprived not only of a murder mystery dramedy but also of any new drama whatsoever, I have compiled some content that helps satisfy my 2Ho loving soul while I wait for Korean casting directors to get it together.
I absolutely do not apologize for including so many Salary Lupin videos on this list. It is excellent, zany, chaotic nonsense start to finish. In this episode, we get to enjoy watching Jongho wrap all of ATEEZ around his mighty finger. I am just in awe of how he masterfully manipulates them through this whole episode.
And in this episode, the gang must solve a murder. Watch as 2Ho et al. put their detective skills to the test--and maybe hide some secrets of their own. This episode in particular spawned my unholy desire to witness Yunho play some sort of lovable psychopath.
Anewz is always a lot of fun, but in this installment we get a pretty precious 2Ho moment right around 13:50 that blesses us with a bit of banter.
This episode begins with a gift exchange which is nice but not what we're here for. The action we want begins around 32:30. Now, you watch Yunho dominate at laser tag and tell me you don't want to see this man in an action film.
It's the last Salary Lupin! This time witness ATEEZ (2Ho included of course) absolutely fight for their lives. The passion. The athleticism. The violence. Give it to me in drama form, please and thank you.
Truthfully, this episode has little to do with Yunho and Jongho as a duo, but we do get a very important moment at the very end that both 2Ho and lore stans should take note of.
Please don't get mad that I placed Anewz 14 after Anewz 15 in this list. I'm already mad about it, and we can't both be mad.
There are three very important moments to look out for in this top-tier news show: quick and blessed Yunho vocals, Jongho pestering a tired Yunho about watching his Yoo Hee Yeol Sketchbook performance, and finally the advent of The Intern--Yunho playing the overcome news intern, that is.
I long ago decided that my zombie apocalypse survival squad would be Yunho and Jongho (you can only pick two, those are the rules). And I feel pretty good about my choices after this episode. Jongho is fearless as usual and demonstrates an eye for details. Yunho, also fearless, keeps up his good spirits but jumps into action when necessary.
Hi. I brought you the romantic 2Ho kdrama moment you ordered. It starts around 11:50, but there's other good stuff in here too.
In these two logbooks, we get to witness the behind-the-scenes of our baby actors' debut drama. And we can ponder what great content we'd get out of another drama with 2Ho as its leads. (SanHwa can also come. I'd love to see them be given something to do actually.)
I hope that your 2Ho drama cravings are, if not satisfied, at least somewhat calmed. We all have work we need to do after all. We have to leave the 2Ho Buddy Cop Drama Prayer Circle at some point. For your convenience, you can find the entire playlist here.
This made me pretty desperate to do a rewatch of Salary Lupin. Maybe I’ll download it for the plane.