It's Wednesday, and that means that we're here to personally recommend some of our favorite ATEEZ videos. So, whether you're just getting into ATEEZ or it's been awhile since you've let yourself sit back and enjoy their content, we've got you covered.

Food centered content is some of my favorite content, but there is nothing worse than being starving and watching ATEEZ eat or make food. But now that you've had a nice meal and you're ready to settle into the couch, I've gathered some of my favorite content that also happens to include ATEEZ either eating or cooking.
This has long been one of my favorite and one of my most recommended interviews. The eating is sort of secondary--the host just so happens to be grilling up some meats, and I am very susceptible to grilled meats--but they share some really interesting information about how they came together as a team.
It's possible I recommend Fever Road every time I write one of these posts, but it truly is one of my favorite of their variety shows. In this episode, they have to play a game to get their food, and then they have a really nice time playing and eating once they get it.
This video came out as part of a series of videos with idols exploring things to do in Seoul. It features the team ups of JoongSang and WooSan as they go to markets, cafes, and restaurants. There is a bit where they eat live octopus, which isn't really my bag, but it's still a fun time.
No one misses the member's solo content more than me, and Yeosang's Omniscient Viewpoint was truly ahead of it's time. In this episode, they break into two teams and each make chicken for Yeosang. Will it make you want to eat? Maybe not, but it's still a good time.
More solo content that I miss with my whole heart. I loved Wooyoung's cooking show, and honestly, all of the food he makes does look delicious. The whole series is worth a watch, but this one has a special place in my heart as the first one I watched.
The perfect collab that no one saw coming. In this episode of THE MAN of ATEEZ, KJK makes his first triumphant appearance, and they all eat a delicious lunch together while they talk to KJK about joining their summer collab project.
Some people find games for food stressful, but I am not some people. I almost always find them hilarious. And truthfully, I've never seen anyone in ATEEZ not get food after one of these games because they always end up sharing. But in this episode of their Wanted Special, there is a really fun telepathy game for food, and then they have what appears to be a spectacular meal.
In a truly excellent episode of WANTEEZ, we get a chance to see Mingi shine at cooking while the members are all split into different teams in charge of different foods. Highlight: the members who come out to sing for snacks.
This short video was the start of their food from around the world content, a tradition they have kept up on this last tour. In this video, Seonghwa and Yunho struggle through ordering off a menu written in Spanish, so what they end up ordering is a surprise and delight. Since this video, they have continued to post these little food tour vidoes, the most recent of which have been posted as shorts, which are all subbed if you watch them on YouTube.
And that's it for my YouTube ATEEZ food playlist, though if you want some really great ATEEZ with food content, you should watch Real Now on the Naver Now app. Any other food content I missed? Let me know!
For your convenience, you can find the entire playlist here.
Sanchelin guide deserves an honorable mention in food content at least