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What to watch when you want maximum joy but have minimum time: a need based guide

Writer: GDGD

Updated: Aug 9, 2023

It's Wednesday, and that means that we're here to personally recommend some of our favorite ATEEZ videos. So, whether you're just getting into ATEEZ or it's been awhile since you've let yourself sit back and enjoy their content, we've got you covered.

Wooyoung watching tv

When I am having a bad day, what I usually want is to sit on the couch and watch something, head empty. Often, that something is ATEEZ content because ATEEZ content is full of joy and soothes my weary soul. I'm a sucker for their long form content like variety shows, WANTEEZ, or any an episode of Idol Radio. I consider a day rewatching the full Salary Lupin series (pretty sure that’s 7 hours) a day well spent.

But sometimes, even though the need for joy is mighty, one may not have the level of time required to fully lose oneself in their content. Sometimes, you just need a quick pick me up for when the going gets tough. So for this playlist, I’ve gathered some of my favorite ATEEZ youtube videos that are under 10 minutes and classified them by the type of joy you require. I've included the full YouTube playlist at the bottom.

Level 1: Work sucks, and I need something to help me crawl out from under my desk.

These videos are the shortest of the bunch as I'm imagining sneaking off to the bathroom to watch them while at work. They are all extra short, silly, and delightful.

12 seconds of silly joy.

A beautiful 16 seconds of heartwarming joy. It's so rare that I get an Ed Sheeran and ATEEZ crossover, and I can't tell you how happy this one makes me.

If you have time and you'd like this one accompanied with extra joy, I also recommend logbook #102 where they show the making of behind the scenes, which is just so extra.

For me, Dreamers came out when I was in Hawaii on vacation, so my memories of the song are inextricably tied to driving down the coastal road on the way to the beach, which means my memories of the song are full of rainbows and butterflies. I do not know if the song itself has the same affect on everyone else, but watching them dance and have fun in this performance stage must.

A relay dance, but make it ridiculous. They wear silly outfits and make silly faces while dancing to Wonderland, and I happen to know the healing properties of this video for sure because I have a friend who always watches it when she's feeling down.

I have been begging for a 'Feeling Like I Do' stage for what feels like forever, and now that they've given it to us, it is as perfect as I imagined. The interactions between the members, when they go interact with the audience, the way they dance to the song. It's all great.

Level 2: Today sucks, and I need something to distract me so I can have a fresh start tomorrow.

These videos are slightly longer--mostly around the ten minute mark--and are more content based, so sit back and let ATEEZ make you laugh away your troubles.

This video is cheating slightly because it's a little over 10 minutes, but I would say those 40 some odd seconds are worth the extra time on the couch for sure. While I don't normally love pranks, I do love this one. In this video, the KQ staff members play some April Fools pranks on some poor unsuspecting members, and their reactions are all so perfect.

This Drop the Dance video is one of the first ATEEZ contents I found when I discovered them, and since then, I have consistently recommended it to new atinys. It's the type of video that you can't help but smile while watching. ATEEZ always look so joyous when they're doing covers, and this video really allows all of them a moment to shine.

There's something about cooking content, even bad cooking content, that is so soothing. This whole series of 82 Challenge with ATEEZ videos are great, but this one is one of my favorites. The set up of the episode definitely makes them look like worse cooks than they are, but that gamification of it is part of the fun.

This is another one that is technically cheating but is also worth it. Watching baby ATEEZ try not to dance while their favorite songs are playing is hilarious, and Jongho is precious and perfect.

Level 3: People suck, and I need to feel some humanity in this cold, dark world.

Sometimes, you just want to remember that people can be good and nice and kind, and that's what these video are for. It's more of a heartwarming joy than the others to help you feel a little less cold.

Yeosang is the beacon of innocent charm, and I do think that watching him make a fried egg for 3 plus is full of life lessons about trying new things, keeping ones good humor, and never giving up.

Baby ATEEZ are the most precious, and there is just no way to watch this first episode of KQ Fellaz without being totally charmed by their excitement to travel to United States for Training. The whole series can be watched in less than an hour, and the whole thing is adorable.

It's a beautiful song, their smiles and amazed faces are delightful, and it never stops being fun to watch Jongho break apples while he sings.

Most of their logbooks are a chill and nice time, but I think this one is extra special. In it, the company rents out a soccer field for them to play with other employees (on stage team vs. off stage team). And the fact that they're all happily playing together in the middle of this busy European tour really makes me feel like the world can be a lovely place.

It's hard to say if these pranks are really real, but even if they're not, all evidence suggests that the members are kind and humble to people they meet. So watching that kindness displayed during these hidden pranks is just a really soothing time.

Level 4: Everything sucks, and I need an infusion of pure joy and sunshine.

For when the need is critical, these four videos are uncomplicated in the joy that they bring. If you watch them, you will smile.

All of the Eternal Sunshine stages are like sunshine sunshine in a bottle, but this one in particular is my favorite due to the Boo-young and Jongho apple hair.

In this video, Yunho is challenged to give each member of Ateez a hug, and the results are both predictable and hilarious. I’ve felt a lot of ill will towards kcon at various points since becoming an Ateez fan, but this video made me almost forgive them.

I still remember the first time I watched this stage: I could not stop smiling. I love that each member gets a moment to shine, and the song is just so uplifting. It's impossible to not love this performance.

Truly, if the need is dire, you should just watch all of Real NOW, which is subbed and available for free on the Naver Now app. Each episode is around an hour long, and each episode is worth it. But in this five minute clip, Hongjoong wakes up all of the members after being released from Covid quarantine, and it is absolutely charming. His tension is high, and all of the other members are unable to meet him where he is, with lots of sleepy and adorable vibes.


I hope you are able to use this need based guide to help bring you joy! For your convenience, you can find the entire playlist here.

Let us know what videos you turn to when you need an ATEEZ based pick me up!

2 comentarios

09 ago 2023

Oh this is so good to have on hand because other than limited time (sometimes a factor) I have limited attention span for watching things (always a factor >>) That eternal sunshine stage is def high on the fave list but it's because of cat ear Hwa getting a surprise hug lol.

I really enjoy this dumb little tongue twister content from mnet

also not technically official but an extremely quick shot of serotonin can be found in any of Natacular's videos

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09 ago 2023
Contestando a

Ohhh that video is soooo fun. And I agree on any of Natacular’s videos. They are truly a gift to the fandom. I always look forward to their birthday ones.

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