It's Wednesday, and that means that we're here to personally recommend some of our favorite ATEEZ videos. So, whether you're just getting into ATEEZ or it's been awhile since you've let yourself sit back and enjoy their content, we've got you covered.

Truthfully, I've been a little fed up with some of the discourse I've been seeing online lately. So today, I encourage everyone to watch ATEEZ's most recent behind the scenes footage of them preparing for Crazy Form. And then let's have a little chat about what we learned.
I love seeing behind the curtain and getting a glimpse of their process for preparing for a comeback. So, I'd just like to make a little list of some truths that emerge when we get to see what goes on off-stage.
They are professionals. We all know that ATEEZ work hard; that's certainly not a secret. But I also think it's important to remember that this--making music, dancing, interacting with fans, all of it--it's their job. And they clearly take it very seriously.
They care about their art. From the number of times they recorded "9024 kick that drum" for Crazy Form to make it just right to the tiny little details they incorporate into the choreo, it's clear they have a high standard for themselves. It's not enough to just release something the fans will enjoy. They need to be satisfied themselves with their product. ATEEZ maintains a very high level of aristry and don't let anyone tell you any different.
They are responsible adults. This one. This is the one that's been bugging me. ATEEZ are grown men. They are older than I was when I finished grad school for the first time and got a job and moved out to live on my own. They are not idiot children who need internet strangers to tell them how to live their lives or manage their careers or their relationship with their staff and company. I do not get a say in how often ATEEZ releases music or goes on tour or takes vacations because I am not ATEEZ. I don't know what goes on in their daily lives. And neither does anyone else who is not ATEEZ.
They have a say in how they are presented to the world. Again, we have repeatedly heard the members talk about how they make suggestions to the stylists about what they want their hair to look like or what they want to wear. If I hear another person complain about Jongho wearing a "boring jacket" I will throw myself into the sea. My man Jongho loves a jacket, has never even considered wearing a "boring" one, and can wear them as often as he likes so everyone can shut up. Does this mean they get to do whatever they want all the time? No. Because that's what it's like to be an adult. And also because. . .
They are part of a team. And I don't just mean "8 makes," I mean they have a full creative team of producers, choreographers, creative directors, and stylists who are just as much a part of ATEEZ's brand as the members themselves. It is these people who really bring ATEEZ's world to life. I am grateful that the members don't have to bear the full burden of production and song writing and styling because they have professionals--professionals who clearly value the members' opinions--to help them. I'm just going to say it: I do not think ATEEZ are a lesser group because the members don't do all their own song writing and production and choreography. I think it's great when Hongjoong and Mingi and the others contribute in various ways; I hope they continue to contribute more in the future. I also think it's great for groups who are "self-produced." I love that for them. But it's not a mark of higher quality music or more talented members. And frankly, I think some Atinys need to stop feeling like ATEEZ are inferior to other groups for this reason.
They aren't afraid of a challenge. I think that this comes from being born of a small company and having to claw their way up. But, it's pretty clear that ATEEZ do not shy away from different vocal or dance styles. Nor are they daunted by difficult and intricate choreo. And thank goodness because the Crazy Form choreo is so immensely satisfying to watch. It stimulates a part of my brain that has lain dormant for too long.
They are driven. This is another one that's pretty clear to anyone who's been paying attention. ATEEZ are not satis fied with where they are right now. I think they are happy with what they have achieved and with the work they have released, but they are always looking to do more, achieve more. They are clearly aware of how the industry at large perceives them. Do they catch the nuances of the lightly derragatory articles written about their success? I can't say. But I do think they know where they stand and they do not wish to keep standing still.
They love what they do. You can see it in the way they have fun with each other on set. In the way they are so focused in the practice room. Jongho even says that for him to know that he's doing well "the process has to be fun, and I need to be happy." There is a brightness and an energy ever-present anytime we get to watch ATEEZ work, and that's something that you simply cannot fake.
I'm so grateful KQ has chosen to bless us with this behind-the-scenes content. I'm always happy to learn more about ATEEZ the hardworking arists and their creative process. I am very ready for part 2 to drop and for me to continue to be impressed and awed by these amazing men.